Wednesday 29 May 2013


 I know my blog isn't looking exactly inspiring but I assure you, after exams I will fully refurbish (excuse that, i couldn't think of a better word, see sleep deprivation) the page. I promise.  Who am I kidding, no one cares or reads this, they only stumble upon it by accident.

Sleep Predicament

Hi guys, ok this is only going to be a short one today, there are two new reviews that I am planning on writing some time soon but at the moment I'm supposed to be revising for my As levels. Anyway, regarding the title of this post, I had absolutely no sleep last night. Ok maybe a bit but not enough. I am currently keeping myself awake with coffee (i have had only two cups which is normal so maybe it hasn't affected me as much as I had previously thought), this is because I only got to sleep at 5.30am. yes, that's right. now I've never been a good sleeper but it's getting ridiculous now. During the bulk of my exams ( I've only got 2/9 left) I found a great guy on YouTube who does this sleep hypnosis. There is music in the background and he just talks, it's amazing, I have not stayed awake to the end of a video, until last night. I don't know what was wrong with me, nothing had changed. I woke up around 8am so I've had about 3 hours sleep, and weirdly I don't feel too tired. admittedly it took me a long time to wake up but now, and during the day I've been fine!
anyway, if anyone has any suggestions just leave them in the comments and I with be eternally grateful. :)

Sunday 26 May 2013

Marriage Debacle

Now, with this post, I don't want to offend anyone but it's just something I struggle to understand; gay marriage. Before you shout 'homophobe!' this is NOT  what it sounds like. I really don't care if you are gay or straight, it really doesn't make a difference to me, everyone is the same regardless. The problem is, you see, gay people wanting to get married in a church or believing in God. I, myself do not believe in God and don't understand why, if God and/or the Bible condemns something or someone you are, you would believe it. There are many verses in the Bible which are homophobic. Here are some examples: 

Lev 18:22-23 "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination".

 Lev 20:13 "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death."

Tim 1:9-10 "realizing the fact that (civil) law is not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers"

This is just wrong in my eyes. How can the Bible be read and followed by millions when it makes comments like this. I do realise that the Bible teaches many good lessons such as the good Samaritan etc. 
Okay, I'm sorry if this has come across much too strongly and this is not how I am at all. I'm not a raving Atheist, it just confuses me that people still believe it when it condemns so much of what we see in our modern world (one crazy one is SHRIMP of all things).
I am genuinely sorry if I have offended anyone. Everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want, I am not trying to stop you and I am a big believer in equality, free speech and letting people believe in what they want (to be honest, I'm a bit of a lefty) but it just confuses me when people believe in something that completely goes against how they live their lives. It's like a pacifist being a violent terrorist, well not so severe but you get the gist. 

Monday 20 May 2013

People Problems

It does strike me as odd all these people who complain about the amount of foreigners in the UK. Some think that it is wrong for citizens of other countries to move to the UK. For example, my family were watching a TV programme (pointless, I love it) and a question was 'What different languages has the UK census been published in?' and there were many, many different languages, which shows how many foreigners (I hate that word but can't, at this moment think of an alternative) are in this country. At this point my dad starts complain about the amount of non-UK citizens here. Now this is the thing that makes me wonder; why is this a problem? Surely all people are the same, regardless of where they come from. Why does this country have such a bee in their bonnet about people from different countries living in the UK? I asked this question to my dad and he mentioned that 'Britain isn't British' and that there are far fewer UK citizens living here than people from other countries. 
To address the 'Britain is not British' point. Britain is a country, not the people in it. By what he was saying, and what many others say, all foreigners should be sent back to their native countries. Now, this bothers me, wasn't it Hitler that strove to create a 'pure breed' of Germans? Is this what they are suggesting? Because once that starts happening and people think like that, it is easy to look back and see the devastating effects it has. 
Also, Britain has been invaded in the past by more than I care to recite, to give an example, the Vikings or the Normans. Britain is a country made up of many different people, from very different places and it is no different now. People come here to live, people leave to live elsewhere. It is just what we do.
Now, to the issue of jobs, the facts are that managers employ non UK citizens because of tax. Employers have to pay a certain amount of tax to hire a British worker whereas they don't for someone from another country. If the government was to create a standard tax on each employee, there should be no reason and no  evidence for this 'problem'. 
This has been a bit of a rant but the main point is: WHY do people think that foreign people living in Britain is a problem?
 Countries evolve to accommodate the people living there, and the people must evolve for themselves. 

Thursday 16 May 2013

Image Angst

Now I hate pictures of myself but I couldn't help trying to demonstrate a little, let's say, annoyance of mine. This is a before and after photo; the first being me just out of the shower with absolutely no makeup on and wet hair; the next is of me after once I had done my makeup and hair. I now that I'm not the most attractive person in the world, not by any stretch of the imagination but this is one thing that does annoy me. As you get older, as a girl, people maybe your own age or a bit older come to expect you to start "presenting" yourself. By this I mean taking an interest in what you look like, and i don't mean hygiene; what I mean is the use of makeup and hair products (straighteners, curlers etc.) to make yourself look 'pretty'. Too many people now think it's ok to mock someone for their looks. For example, my sister is now 14 and she hates all makeup/ styling so she doesn't use it and now, at her age, she is in a minority of girls who don't use this stuff. I hate the way that you are made to feel like you have to wear it. I, myself feel self conscious if I don't wear makeup, I can't go out without some kind of foundation/ concealer and mascara on. I think it has become expected. 
You should not be made to feel uncomfortable being natural. 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Exam Stress

This week I have started my AS exams, now i know this may not seem like a lot to some of you but for me it's really worrying. As you will come to find, i do quite a bit of procrastinating, and this is not good for me. for example, tonight i sat down to do some serious revision. i had just managed to do two past papers, one for politics and one for psychology when i picked up my phone and called a friend on facetime. the call started at 7.30 and now it has just finished at 8.50. this is not good as i want to watch the apprentice at 9.00.
oh help me, i am doing it again by writing this! i really have no will power. you see i did get rid of all my distractions, however, i need my laptop to get papers and this is where it starts. 
let me explain a bit more. i have done my first exam, 1/9 ain't bad. next week i have 5 within three days. i am not looking forward to this as i have done no revision and am going away to London on the weekend. i am aiming overall for at least ABB grades. i have a feeling this won't be happening. 
for all you out there who are donig any kind of exams, good luck!

off to watch the apprentice now.

Bus agression

On the bus today, it was quite full and all of school children. When the bus stops for quite an old woman to get on. As all the seats on the lower floor were taken, this lady was forced to go up the steps to the seats at the back of the bus. And inevitably, she tripped. Now, it just amazed me that not one younger person on that bus even thought of giving up their seat for her. Now I know I sound like an old 'in my day'  lady but I assure you I am only 17. I think it's awful that the younger people didn't even offer her a seat once she had tripped 
And that is my rant for the day.

Edit: I was on the top floor so I didn't offer my seat. Also, there was seat next to me and as she approached (before the trip) I did move over and do my kindest 'you can sit next to me' face. just to show you guys that I'm not a hypocrite :)